I've decide to use some new covers on my previously published work. After publication contracts expired or publisher went belly-up, I was able to small press publish them under Triskaideka Books NZL banner.
My old press that I ran still has a bunch of ISBNs I can use for the new publishing endeavor. My three novels that I want to re-release are: The Game, The Last Church and The Armageddon Shadow, Scorched Earth and Chaos. The publisher is: Writersltd.
Now, I gotta fix up Last Church and make new covers for The Game. Once I got the covers done, I'll update the files and reupload. Once that is done, I'll send the Legal Deposit forms.
Over at my site: Thriller.nz I made new covers for Death World book 1 and book 2.
I made these just for fun. This book is undergoing a final clean up and check edit and will then wind it's way to a few publishers I have been researching and a few agents as well.
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