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Showing posts from October, 2021

Ya think ya can jump me!

SO YOU COWARDS think you're tough because you jumped me?? Waited for me to be alone... in front of my house???   I still handled all of you, left 3 of you on the ground laid out!!  You're lucky I don't have any marks on my face. I have some on my arms and neck but so what!!!!  I bet you didn't expect me to swing back since it was 6 against one. I might be old but I'm not too old for this! Yeah, I'm not gonna lie I was getting tired of fighting and just wanted to go back in the house, but I kept on swinging and made sure you got yours!!!!!  All I have to say is, you started this and I finished it.  F☆☆k I hate mosquitoes!!!...

New Covers

  I've decide to use some new covers on my previously published work. After publication contracts expired or publisher went belly-up, I was able to small press publish them under Triskaideka Books NZL banner.  My old press that I ran still has a bunch of ISBNs I can use for the new publishing endeavor. My three novels that I want to re-release are: The Game, The Last Church and The Armageddon Shadow, Scorched Earth and Chaos. The publisher is: Writersltd.          Now, I gotta fix up Last Church and make new covers for The Game. Once I got the covers done, I'll update the files and reupload. Once that is done, I'll send the Legal Deposit forms.   Over at my site: I made new covers for Death World book 1 and book 2.  I made these just for fun. This book is undergoing a final clean up and check edit and will then wind it's way to a few publishers I have been researching and a few agents as well. 

The Dream

  I had an awesome dream early this morning. I told it to my wife who started a web search on dream meanings. I shrugged and took the dogs for a walk.  Just before I left, she told me of her dream--but I forgot that one.  My dream was (as I have already stated) fracking awesome. It was horror based.  So, in the dream, my wife said, "There's a well in old people's town, that the doggies can swim in."  I said, "I don't think that's a good idea." Wifey got upset. And went on and on and on about it, so I relented and took the doggies to the well. It's after midnight. We find the well outside someone's house. The wife is now happy. (Dream Logic at work.) Wolfie hates water and won't go near the well, but Trixie is fine. My wife takes Wolfie to the car. They both sit inside watching us.  I pick Trixie up with the harness on, and lower her into the water. Along the inside walls of the well are planks of wood at odd angles. I realize that these p...